Welcome to VNet
We're happy to help you !


Premium Web Hosting

A premium web hosting plan is an absolute balance between your software, hardware choice, and our team’s promising support.

We can understand you are fully occupied with your business and administrative tasks. Hence, we take all the stress from you. Get absolute isolation, more power, and incredible reliability with our servers.

With our premium plans, you get a pre-installed one-click installer like Joomla, Prestashop, and WordPress, which helps install over 400 applications. 

An SSL certificate is mandatory for your website, and we provide that with all our premium web hosting plans.

The data center location gives you extra wings, as you can choose the location per your customer base.
In the premium package, we take care of your server’s performance; Our team works and always stays alert to keep your websites live all the time.

Package and Plans

Host your big website, eCommerce, blog, and many more with customized servers and high-performance tools. Check out our amazing plans.

Change Server Location

With All premium web hosting Plans You Get

Resource Limit

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Server Features

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Control Panel Features

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Database Resource & Features

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VNET Assurance...


Whatsapp Support

Ticket Support

Chat Support

Email Support

24/7 Support 365 Days


Firewall Installed

DDOS Protected

3 Layered Security

Hacking Free

24/7 Monitoring


100% Data Security

Zero Downtime Migration

99.9% Uptime

On Time Support

5-15 Min Response Time

Looking for server Migration...

Migrate it to VNET for
Scalability & Flexibility
Cost cutting
Improving Performance


Standard Features Of Best Premium Hosting

Get complete security and multilingual support in seven different languages through seven communication modes. Upgrade anywhere, anytime!

Control Panel Choice

Resource Management

Easy Database Selection

Server Location Choice

How you get Support from VNET...

We provide Multi Channel Support System


Frequently Asked Questions

Most common questions customers have and is useful to customers at all stages of the customer journey.

  • What is a premium Web Hosting plan?

    A premium web hosting plan is an absolute balance between your software, hardware choice, and our team’s promising support. You get absolute isolation, more power, and incredible reliability with our servers. In the premium package, we take care of your server’s performance.

  • What are the benefits of premium plans?

    There are many benefits of premium plans ✔ Unlimited SFTP ✔ Control panel choice ✔ Virtual Machine Replication ✔ Server Management ✔ Server Location Choice

  • What is an SSL certificate?

    SSL certificate gives authentication to your website and also keeps the network safe, secure, and encrypted. We offer a free let’s encrypt certificate for all our premium packages.

  • Which SSL certificate do you use?

    We use the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.

  • What operating systems do you use in the premium plan?

    ✔ Windows Server 2016/2019/2022
    ✔ Linux
    ✔ OpenSUSE
    ✔ Fedora
    We use all the variants and versions of Linux and Windows OS.